Angela of Free Range Sphynx

Jan 28, 20231 min

Names clients have given their kittens.

Updated: Mar 30, 2023

A big decision clients face is what to name their kitten. It's an exciting time and part of Sphynx adoption. We thought we'd share some of those names.

Streaker Cueball Chemo Zero Fluffy Rip Van Wrinkle Osbaldo Pixel Walken Ruth Bader Skinsberg Cairo Edith Puthy Peach Pit Cordelia Zeus Artemis Persephone Isis (Goddess of Motherhood) Ace Eclipse Bailey Bellatrix Vito Balducci Mia Erwin Glory Miss Tiny Littles Ms. Pancake Worm Burner Maximus Bella Ella Dermis (Epidermis) Chicken Skin Norman Benny & June Twins Poppy & Piper Tater Tot O'Malley Osiris Charlotte Winston Zoey Mittums Puntsok Zelda Calvin Brutus Rooster Poozcat Abbie-Normal Sophie Steak-Stealer Lina Issac Ripley Colbare Lily Gnatalie Scroopy Noopers Shrimply Pibbles Demegorgon Boo Kotal Kilo Pot Roast Meatball Beans Neytiri Yoda Clara-Voyant Nelson Tillamook Bitsy Gucci Olive Birkin Princess Eins (German for One) Cami Pickles Jet Coal Pipsqueak Lilliput Hemingway Ophelia Archie Lucy Blister King Blue Gypsy Walter Raisin Cooper Bug Macey Masey Wrinkles Echo JenNoFurr Kato

What are the most common/used names? Osiris, Zeus, Artemis, Persephone and Isis.

What are our favorite names? Streaker and JenNoFurr (It was hard to choose!)

What names have you used for your four-legged family members? What would you name your Sphynx?
